The Last Poem – by Ronda Lane
Carry me up to heaven above
Tender Your mercies, great is Your love
Soon to see all that I’ve for so long wondered
The answers to the many questions I’ve pondered
What will those living waters look like?
Streets of gold? Before the throne, glass-like?
Wonders more splendid than any we’ve known
And I’ve always wondered, Will children be grown?
Mansions superior to any we’ve seen
To be lively stones, just what did He mean?
So many questions soon to have answers
No more pain, fear, sorrow, nor cancer
No more tears, mourning, sadness, nor sin
I eagerly await eternal life to begin
Gone will be the pain and sorrow
Maybe this week, tonight, or tomorrow
Near is the hour, soon is the date
Hope in His mercy, my soul doth wait
I’ve waited so long and grown so weary
The misery of this end has become dreary
But trust and hope in the Lord, I still do
Your promises precious, Your words so true
You’re not a man, that You could lie
You’ll take me to heaven, far above the sky
Well past the clouds, the stars, and the planets
So quickly to rise, this world will soon vanish
I’ll leave it behind and look up and forward
Flying through space, to heaven toward
This body of death will relinquish my soul
My spirit commended unto God’s hands in full
No one can pluck me out of His hands
His true word has promised, it’s part of His plans
So many promises soon to discover
To see Him in person, and so many others
My sister, my grandparents, babies and cousins
My Aunts and my uncles, and friends by the dozens
Those so beloved who went on before me
A joyous reunion there is sure to be
All of whom trusted in Christ for salvation
And believed on Him, the firm foundation
All in Christ, we’ll be with Him forever
For He offered it freely to whosoever
Would call on His name and in our hearts believe
He died for our sins and rose eternal salvation we receive
But there will be some I never again will see
Those who rejected Christ have a different eternity
Those who expected to enter by works of their own
Will be cast into hell, will cry out and groan
Hell is real, it is no joke
Eternal torment, fire and smoke
Don’t dare to chance it, don’t waste a minute
You could die tonight and then be cast in it
Believe in the Lord instead and be saved
Jesus saves souls, there’s no other way
Sorrow not for me, not even a minute
I can’t wait to get there, to even begin it!
Save sadness for those who are grievously lost
Who’ve rejected Christ, though he paid the cost
For every sin we’ve ever committed He paid for it all
His perfect finished work atoned for sins big and small
We can’t work for it, that’s like filthy rags
No matter our good deeds, we’ve no room to brag
The righteousness of God is required to enter
But none of us are, for we are all sinners
Jesus alone is sinless and pure
His work for us finished, His promises sure
He was the only propitiation needed
He is faithful, the Father He heeded
He went to the cross, ad willingly so
That we will go to heaven and not hell below
All He requires is belief and faith alone
Not in ourselves, but in what He has done
He offers salvation to whosoever will believe
You will be with Him when this world you leave
We all were headed to hell and damnation
Sins cursed and sentenced to grave condemnation
Because heaven is perfect sinless and pure
No wickedness or sin can enter the door
You must have sin washed away by Jesus first
Else you are still damned, doomed and cursed
Why neglect so great a salvation?
Given freely to believers, removing damnation
Call on His name and ask Him to save you
Believe in your heart, confess as we must do
That you believe Jesus died, was buried and rose
To save sinners, to save all of those
Who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ
There is no other way, only He will suffice
To redeem us to God, to restore the relation
There truly is no other way of salvation
Christ Jesus is the truth, life and the way
Don’t hesitate at all, believe on Him today
Trust in Him now, you may soon die
It will be too late then, there will be no more time
You may not live to be old, don’t you know?
Only God knows when it’s your time to go
You may not live to see another day
I’ll tell you again, there’s no other way
Your time will come, you must prepare now
His work has the answers, His work tells us how
Believe on the Lord and be saved from sins
Because very soon your own eternity begins
Where will you spend it? In heaven or hell?
Those saved in Christ in heaven will dwell
If you’ve trusted in Jesus I’ll see you again
When your time comes and He welcomes you in
I love you all dearly, I want you to know
I’ll soon be with Jesus, it’s my time to go!
Ronda Lane